Thomas Heiniger
Dr. iur., lawyer, FDP
Since 2007 Government Councilor and Head of the Department of Health of the Canton of Zurich, in 2013/14 President of the Government Council. President of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Health Directors. Board member of the Swiss Medical Board (Vice President), member of the board of directors of the Zoo Zürich AG, member of the advisory board of the Center for Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae (MERH) of the University of Zurich and member of the board of trustees of the Swiss Science Center Technorama Winterthur.
Professional activity: Until 2007 partner in a law firm in Zurich. 2005 Mediator IRP (Basic Training), University of St. Gallen. Admitted to the bar in 1987 after studying and obtaining a doctorate in law at the University of Zurich in 1985.
Political activity: Member of the Cantonal Parliament (1999–2007), Member of the Parliament of Adliswil (1986–1994; Mayor of Adliswil 1994–2007), School Commission Adliswil (1982–1986).